Is Physiotherapy Beneficial During the Menopause?

The menopause is a natural part of the ageing process where women stop menstruating and are no longer able to get pregnant naturally. This change typically occurs between the ages of 45 to 55 years old, when the body’s natural production of oestrogen begins to decrease.  However, many women experience symptoms a lot earlier than … Read more

Could lack of sleep be the cause your back pain?

People often report that they don’t get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can lead to a lack of coordination, poor mental function and weight gain, while long term sleep deprivation increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and even dementia. Most importantly, when you are asleep your body can focus on repairing tissue damage. Less sleep … Read more

Should Runners Wear Orthotics?

The ideal running pattern can be elusive. Most of us under pronate or overpronate slightly, meaning that when our heels strike the ground, the foot either turns too much or not enough. And even for runners who enjoy that perfect running pattern, the amount of force your feet absorb during this high-impact activity is pretty … Read more

Is sitting really bad for you?

Sitting for long periods of time in slouched positions is the number one cause for back, neck, and shoulder pain for people who visit T4 Physio.   Sitting is a habit that each of us do every single day.   We sit on average, for nine hours a day and that’s without considering the amount of time we … Read more

Common running injuries and how to avoid them!

Over 90% of runners will experience one or more of these frustrating injuries during their running career, and once they appear they can be incredibly difficult to resolve. What are running Injuries? Running injuries are injuries that occur to muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones or joints as a direct result of the repetitive motion of running. … Read more

Orthotic Insoles – A Powerful Pain Relief Tool

You might have seen them in the supermarket, heard of a friend using them, or read about them online, but exactly what are orthotic insoles, and are they worth getting? To help you answer this question, we have pulled together all the common questions that our team get asked about orthotic insoles and provide you … Read more

The Importance of Balance and How to Improve It

Balance is a fundamental component of any movement we perform. Being able to maintain balance is crucial to performing everyday activities such as going up or down stairs, or reaching for a high shelf.  While people will make the effort to fit in a walk or strength exercises through the week, balance specific exercises are … Read more