T4 Physio

Our Client Journeys and Success Stories

Take a look at some of client success stories and explore their journeys with T4 Physiotherapy Clinic.

Click On a Client to Learn more...

Adam's Journey

Jo's Journey

David's Journey

Sue's Journey

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If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet and have some questions you would like answered first, click the link below to complete a form to get the conversation started.
*Note: there is no treatment given at one of our discovery sessions. It’s for you to ask us more questions and for us to confirm whether or not we think we can help you.
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Adam's Journey With T4 Physio

“I first went to T4 in March of 2020 when I needed a new physio. Right from th me very first appointment I felt I was in good hands. Nash took a full history from me and did a thorough physical check and tests. He then explained how he thought he could help, the process, what he would focus on at each stage and what he needed me to do to help myself.

On day 1 I could barely walk, had been in unbearable pain for 12 months, was popping tablets 4 times a day, had been off work for 3 months and just needed urgent help!

We started with three sessions a week focussing on reducing pain and increasing range of motion. As time went on and my symptoms eased we reduced the number of sessions per week and moved from easing pain to the recovery phase and trying to strengthen areas of concern.

Over the course of several months, three times a week session reduced to once a week. At this stage and when I was out of day to day pain this reduced again to “as and when” sessions for maintenance.

The big step for me has been the change from “physio” (massage, stretching, acupuncture etc.) to sessions in the gym. If someone had told me 18 months ago I would be back squatting, deadlifting and doing leg press I would never have believed it. But with the guidance and support of T4 I am in the gym 5 times a week, lifting weights, doing spin classes and most importantly…living a normal life!!

The impact T4 Physio has had on my life is honestly incredible. Friends and family are amazed at the level of my recovery, the weight I have lost and the level of physical activity I can now do.
For anyone who thinks they’ve tried everything and have no where left to turn my advice would be to head to T4 Physio and feel the benefits!!!”

Jo's Journey With T4 Physio

Jo came to T4 Physio in June last year with chronic backpain. It was incredibly difficult for her to walk, sit and even sleep, on a pain scale of 1 to 10 she was definitely a 10. After an assessment by one of our Physios, we discovered the root cause of Jo’s pain was not actually coming from her back, her alignment was wrong and the way she walked was aggravating her symptoms, all of the pain was connected to her feet.

We started on Jo’s treatment straight away, which immediately released some of the pressure and reduced the level of pain that she was in. After a course of treatment, which involved hands-on treatment, dry needling and exercises which were recommended and done at home and in the clinic Jo felt better but was still in a certain amount of pain. She noticed that the pain would build up in between sessions, she would feel an improvement immediately after her treatment but the pain would build up before the next session was due, and Jo thought weekly physiotherapy might be the only option for her!

Then, we recommended that Jo would benefit from some custom made orthotics, these were made to fit and support the individual arches and curves of her feet, since then she has never looked back!

Jo wears her insoles every time she is exercising, walking her dog and they live in her trainers so she is constantly getting the support she needs, the only time she removes them is to put them in her hiking boots when she goes for a hike. Since using the orthotics Jo has no back pain, no hip pain, she can enjoy the things she loves like walking her dogs and she can sleep!

David's T4 Experience

David came to T4 Physio in February 2022 after trying other local Physiotherapists that did not get to the root of his problem. He came to us, limping in with excruciating pain in his knee and despite only being with us for a short time, his progress has been amazing. He is now back to doing the things he loves such as dancing, going to the gym and socialising with friends and family, he has even taken up Pilates! Here is what David had to say about his experience at T4.

“My Progress so far in 6 sessions has been immense from initially limping into the Clinic.

I have been fitted with insoles, which not only improved my posture, has assisted walking, which enables me to walk further distances and enjoy my social life, Dancing, Swimming, and going to the Gym.

After the initial first treatment, help, massage, exercise, which took place  I noticed  improvement after 3-4 sessions, progress is continuing  and I am in less pain.

Lifestyle changes will stay with me after the treatment has finished.

I have started Pilates and yoga which is both relaxing and assists general mobility after invasive knee surgery.

Well Done Nash, James and your friendly Staff.“

Sue's Journey With T4 Physio

Sue is a Nurse, and she first came to us with neck and shoulder pain.  She needed to be able to continue working but her pain made it increasingly difficult for her to carry out her day to day duties.  When Sue had an assessment with our Physio we discovered some other issues that may be contributing to her pain.

Here is Sue’s story in her own words!

I have been receiving treatment as and when I feel I need it, from T4 for just over 12 months.  I started because like everyone else I could not get help anywhere else as seeing the doctor was impossible.  I felt a quick phone call would not help me stay in work and reduce the discomfort I was in.

My injuries were due to long term incorrect posture a small discrepancy in leg length and long term moving lifting and handling at work (over 30 years nursing ) Nash immediately identified the problems  that I had and set about correcting them with deep muscle physio acupuncture ultra sound and heat treatment.  He recommended orthopaedic insoles and has worked with me to get them to be comfortable and to fit well.  He has been very patient with me as at first I found it hard to comply, however after several attempts Nash has altered them to fit well and as always he has encouraged me to keep trying them but more importantly to keep bringing them back to be altered.

Along with physio I am able to keep working, going to the gym and to keep active.   I have benefited from block bookings at reduced rates and now have a maintenance package it was also nice to be able to buy a gift card for a family member as I feel this will benefit them. 

During all treatment there is a relaxing gentle atmosphere in a warm comfortable private room where at all times dignity, privacy and confidentiality is maintained. I genuinely feel that without T4, Nash and his team I wouldn’t have been able to stay in work.