How To Combat Knee Pain Without the Use of Chemicals
Knee pain is very common amongst adults in the UK but that doesn’t mean it is to be ignored. In 2016 researchers for the BMJ estimated that around half of adults in this country were suffering with a form of knee pain. You only have to start a passing conversation with colleagues or friends to reveal the true extent of the problem, many will relate to the struggle of achy painful joints in one of their most active and crucial joints!
Knee pain can be caused by a variety of things, some types of pain are caused by an injury, others by wear and tear, maybe an accident or a particular weakness elsewhere in the body. Knee pain tends to occur during day-to-day activities such as walking, climbing stairs and running. In most cases, people tend to ignore the pain and just ‘carry on’, leading to more injury and pain. Rest and medication help reduce pain. However, the residual effects of knee and foot injuries (loss of strength and mobility) are best treated with physical therapy.
The knee joint is a complex, weight-bearing structure and the ankle, in particular, is protected by ligaments on the inside, outside and the front. Sudden twisting movements can lead to tendon and ligament tears, and in some cases, fractures. Also, a myriad of injuries including strains, sprains, plantar fasciitis, fractures, meniscal tears and ligament tears can lead to impaired mobility and severe pain. These conditions can make it difficult, if not impossible for the individual to walk until the injury heals.
Some things you can do to help avoid knee pain or even better, maintain healthy knees are as follows:
Be footwear aware!
Uncomfortable or ill- fitting footwear has a knock- on effect higher up the body. Ankles and knees take the brunt of the damage, in overcompensation or adjusting to support the rest of the body. Give yourself a head start by looking to the feet!
Mindfulness in movement
Exercise is good for the body and soul and for those of us who swim, technique is everything. Whilst swimming is great for strength and conditioning, it should be noted that breaststroke particularly impacts the knee. This can be harmful if there is an existing injury or untreated pain, so minimise this movement until you’ve built strength.
Find alternative cardio exercise to running
Running, especially on concrete is one of the worst offenders for exacerbating Knee pain. The constant rhythm of landing can really aggravate any weakness in the knee joint. Running on a track or grass is much more kind to the knee but speak to us for advice on training plans first if you have any recurrent knee pain!
Strengthen the Core Muscles and Glutes
Ensuring the core and pelvis are operating well can take the strain off your knee and have a hugely positive effect on mobility. There are specific exercises which can help with this so speak to the experts at T4 and ask for advice on where to start.
At T4 Physio we take pride in educating our patients on what is actually wrong with them in words they understand, and providing in- depth personalised treatment plans. The first session is FREE because we want to make sure YOU make the right decision if physiotherapy treatment is the best option for you. Contact us today to book your FREE session on 01204 576804 or email